FlexCompute Colocation

As much space as you need

Would you like to continue using your own hardware, but operate it cost-effectively and securely? In that case, it makes sense to rely on our colocation services.


FlexCompute Colocation

We offer you space with lockable units for your hardware in certified data centres. We protect these against faults with everything that a modern and certified data centre has to offer, such as gas extinguishing systems or multiple fused uninterruptible power supply. This enables us to guarantee you high availability of your servers and systems.

You have the control - but with less effort

The security and protection of your hardware is not the only advantage of our colocation solution: thanks to the fibre optic network at the locations, we enable you to achieve a significantly higher data transfer rate, which speeds up your applications and processes - and the lockable racks within the colocation areas have independent power supply and network connections. The best connectivity for you, whether it's an internet breakout or a point-to-point Ethernet line, we supply right away.

We can also connect your hardware directly to our FlexCompute cloud and dedicated solutions. Our physical proximity ensures the lowest possible network latencies and enables the creation of an ideal computing platform, which is reflected in a hybrid mix of different operating models such as cloud, dedicated or colocation.

And another special plus: with our remote hands service, your employees don't even have to come to our data centre for maintenance work. Our technicians will gladly take over this work on your instructions.

This gives you control over your hardware, applications and data at all times - without having to operate them on your premises or maintain them personally. Together with you, we will work out an individual colocation solution that is entirely geared to your personal needs.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Data centres meet the highest technical requirements with the most advanced technology
  • Connection to the high-performance fibre optic network for high data transfer rates
  • Only you have access to the rack and thus continue to have full control over your IT infrastructure
  • Remote hands-on support from on-site engineers
  • Everything from a single source - server rack, power, cooling, security, network

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    E-Mail: sales@wesystems.ag

    Telefon: +49 89 244140-800

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